Constraints - An International Journal

Special Issue on Planning

Guest editors: Alexander Nareyek and Subbarao Kambhampati

Call for Papers

The use of constraints in action planning has become an increasingly significant research area in recent years. The orderings in POP systems and the exclusion relations of Graphplan-based planners are examples of very simple constraints. However, the ongoing inclusion of features like time and resources is promoting the application of more advanced constraint programming techniques. This special issue seeks to highlight new and interesting ideas for combining planning with constraint programming. Topics of interest include:


To aid planning and organization, a submission must be announced one month in advance by e-mailing the tentative title and abstract to:

Submissions should be no longer than 20 pages. Papers are submitted by e-mailing a document's URL to the e-mail address above (PS or PDF files). Guidelines for the submission format (using Kluwer LaTeX) are available at:

All submissions must be original papers written in English.

Announcement deadline: September 15, 2001
Submission deadline: October 15, 2001
Notification date: December 20, 2001

Additional Information

Journal homepage:

Information on this special issue:


If you have any questions, please contact the editors:

Alexander Nareyek <>, GMD FIRST
Subbarao Kambhampati <>, Arizona State University

Last update:
February 7, 2002 by Alexander Nareyek