Toward Standardization of AI Interfaces
A Roundtable Discussion of the 2002 Game Developers Conference

Moderated by Alexander Nareyek

San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, CA, USA
March 23, 2002, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM



Standards - a word that is not often heard in the artificial intelligence community!
In a field that develops as fast as AI, standards may not have a very long life span, but wouldn't it be nice to have some anyway? For example, for an interface between the game and artificial intelligence procedures? Programmers could reuse their code more easily and interface AI tools from third-party developers. This would mean higher reliability, higher quality and lower development costs! Also, academic AI research could increase its impact, learning about and focusing on specific computer game requirements.
This roundtable discussion is designed to be an open-minded kickoff meeting, bringing together interested people to share their ideas on this topic and develop common ideas on what such standards could look like and how they could be practically implemented.
Let's push game AI development to the next level!



In addition to an open discussion, a third of the session will be reserved for prepared mini-statements from major AI developers, AI tool producers and academic AI researchers.

Attendance is limited, and if too many people wish to attend, those that have been selected based on submitted statements will have priority.
(submission deadline was on January 31, 2002)


(Please follow this link for a report on the meeting)


Last update:
April 18, 2002 by Alexander Nareyek