
Reference: vidal-10-extensibleplanning

Reference Vidal Jr., E. C. E., and Nareyek, A. 2010.
An XML-based Forward-Compatible Framework for Planning System Extensions and Domain Problem Specification.
In Proceedings of the ICAPS 2010 Workshop on Knowledge Engineering for Planning and Scheduling (KEPS 2010), 53-60.

Real-world planning problems, e.g., planning for virtual characters in computer games, typically come with a set of very specific domain constraints that may require specialized processing, like symbolic path planning, numerical attributes, etc. These specific application requirements make it necessary for planning systems to have an extensible design. We present a framework for a planning system that recognizes planning extensions (such as new data types or structures, sensing/acting functionality, and others). The framework is designed to be forward-compatible, exposing an XML-based domain language that allows current and future problems that use such planning extensions to be properly specified.

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